Begin by understanding your monthly energy consumption. Look at your last six month’s electricity bills to identify your average annual energy consumption.
1kW of solar plant generates ~1460 units annually. You can determine the size of your solar system by dividing your yearly consumption by units generated per kW.
For eg. If your yearly consumption is 7200 units. Hence, you’ll need a 5kW solar system for your Home. (7200/1460=5).
Apart from that, the shadow-free rooftop area and santioned load also play a key role in determining the system size for your Home.
1. Shadow-free rooftop area: To install 1 kW of solar system, 100 sqft of shadow-free rooftop area is required. Hence, for 5kW, 500 sqft is
2. Sanctioned Load: The sanctioned load refers to the maximum amount of electricity that a customer can use. The maximum size of the solar system is capped at the santioned load for most DISCOMS